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Metro Area Day

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Each semester, we host a Metro Area Day for InterVarsity students from around the Twin Cities. You can come, your friends from campus can come, and your friends who go to a different campus can come! This is a great opportunity for you to grow in your faith around a big group of college students from other campuses who are doing the same thing. 


Join us this winter on Saturday, February 17th from 10am-4pm at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Plymouth, MN (5005 Northwest Blvd, Plymouth, MN 55442).


Our theme this winter is Sharing the Good News. It will be a helpful, authentic, and practical day of learning more about the good news of Jesus and how to share it with friends in authentic ways. 


Sign Up Here 

Go ahead and sign up, and we'll email you more information as we get closer to the day.



See you February 17th!


What will we be doing? We get to connect with students from our own campus, students from other campuses, experience great worship, quiet times with God, amazing food, breakout sessions, and fun. By the end of the day, you will have grown in community with others from your campus and in your relationship with God. 


How much does this cost? Nothing - it's free!


How do I get there? Your campus will coordinate rides!


Can I invite my friend from another campus? Definitely. Just have them sign up at this link.


What will worship be like? Aashish Baskaran, a local worship leader, will come in to lead our time - it's always amazing to worship with other college students! 


What if I have a conflict for part of the time? No worries. We encourage you to come for the full time so that you get the most out of it, but if you have a conflict you can't work around, just let your staff know.


What are the breakout sessions? You get to choose one breakout session. Here is what we are offering this year: 


Tough Questions: Do you have questions about Christianity? Or do you wonder how to answer your friends' tough questions about faith? Join Dr. David Clark, former Bethel Seminary dean and professor, for a comfortable and thoughtful Q&A time. And make sure to bring your questions!

(**Helpful for non-Christians, people just starting to think about sharing their faith, or those experienced in sharing their faith.)


Justice & Evangelism: How does sharing our faith intersect with the many justice needs in the world? Does evangelism conflict with a pursuit of justice? Join Pastor Carl Johnson, a pastor of Faith City church in St. Paul, to dig into these questions together. 

(**Helpful for non-Christians, people just starting to think about sharing their faith, or those experienced in sharing their faith.)


How to Share the Gospel: Have you ever wondered how to share the "Gospel" with people? Or wondered what the Gospel actually is? InterVarsity has a great tool to help, and the National Associate Director for Evangelism, Jamie Ladipo, will lead this breakout to help you learn.  

(**Helpful for non-Christians, people just starting to think about sharing their faith, or those experienced in sharing their faith.)


Living Authentically as a Christian: Many of you spend a lot of your time in environments where there aren't a lot of other Christians. How do you live out your faith authentically while cultivating real friendships with non-Christians around you? Abbey Jacobs spends much of her time in this type of environment as a semi-professional rugby athlete in Minneapolis. Join her for this breakout to be equipped and see a vision for what a life like this can look like! 

(**Helpful for people just starting to think about sharing their faith, or those experienced in sharing their faith.)


Unpacking Evangelism Baggage: Let's be real. Most of us have baggage, or difficult experiences/impressions, surrounding evangelism. Join Amy Wells, InterVarsity campus staff, to unpack some common areas of baggage or struggles with evangelism so that you are ready to partner with God in sharing news that is too good not to share. 

(**Helpful for people just starting to think about sharing their faith, or those experienced in sharing their faith.)



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